Film and photography with the Classic Cars
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Classic Car services for film and photography
Development needs of the people is constantly increasing and people's demand is unlimited while sources to meet the demand is always limited and restricted by many other reasons.

You are aware not only collect the camera for watching or decoration but that you are always looking for new frames that recorded by the camera, unique and impressive recorded is always bring you different feelings and when you reviewing those frames with beautiful photos and honestly will help you relive the moment returns.
Classic Car and Film

As you all know the automobile is an extremely useful facilities and it is hard to replace it in any times. Automobile is not just a effective transportation means. It is an evidence of the development of human society and classic cars are works of art, it was an effectively elements to create several industries including coal mine, rubber, mechanic, electricity as well as designing, etc.

Classic Car and a Beautiful Girl

Although nowadays cars and the first generation of the car industry so far are different, but the concepts of the car production are not quite different and they have the same function, the classic cars still perform its inherent function as useful means whether the car was later generation reform carried much superior to add more features, creating more comfort for the driver as well as the users, it still is an improvement based on the version is old cars only.

How different will you feel when you see the frame which recording with the classic cars and nowadays cars?

Experience and enjoy the classic car collection of Heri Tran you will be very surprised by not only the feeling at that time that event when recall or review at any times, you would like to relive the moments that moment.

Heri Tran, living for tomorrow.

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Very admired a car lover loves cars more than loves himself. I am a OTK ...
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